The Weekly Geekly: 08.26.16

abridged classics - found via
abridged classics – found via

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a weekly link round up, but I’ve got a pretty great assortment just waiting to be shared and more than five minutes to tell you about them, so let’s get this party started?

My friend shared this article about 2 basic personality types on Facebook and a lengthy discussion followed: Are you a round or a pointy? Unsurprisingly, I’m as pointy as they come.

Who wants to go on vacation to Prince Edward Island with me? Caroline shares all the deets on her recent trip there and it’s swoon worthy.

The new IKEA app is perfect for those of us who cannot simply “imagine” a piece of furniture in our home. Now you can see exactly what it looks like and confirm it will fit before you drive out, buy it, drive it home and put it together. The future is now.

Have you seen this collection of terrible real estate photos? This post made me laugh so hard I almost stopped breathing. For realsies.

I want to make this slow cooker creamy coconut oatmeal soon! I can always use more oatmeal in my life, but I’m too lazy to cook in the morning, so.

What were your #firstsevenjobs? Mine would be something like: filing clerk, clothing store, electronics store, news editor, managing editor, nanny, bookstore employee…

Kerry Washington made this “horror movie” about the terrifying beast that is group text messages:

This completes me, because group messages truly make me a jittery, irritable monster. They need to disappear and never come back. Who’s with me?

So what are you guys up to this weekend? I’m going to see Bad Moms with friends tomorrow night and can’t wait!








Weekly Geekly: June 10th

Hey dudes,  it feels like it’s been forever but there are a few links I’ve been meaning to share with you so before my attention span flits in another direction…

This Mean Girls / Game of Thrones mashup made me seriously giggle. Just me?

A father’s day craft idea if you roll deep in Popsicle sticks like we do.

This video that explains how consensual sex works with a cup of tea has been making its way around the internet again in light of recent news. It’s hilarious and poignant and I kind of think it should be required watching.

On a lighter note, who wants to make summer bucket list charm bracelets with me?

Finally, does anyone else wish that all news was delivered via slow jams now?

Ten (non-bookish) Websites I Love

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every Tuesday they post a new Top Ten list prompt. This week’s prompt is… Ten Websites I Love That Aren’t About Books. This proved more challenging than I expected but I dug deep, so…

Here are ten of the usual suspects from my browser history and what makes them awesome: : I use this website constantly for editing pictures for my blog or personal photos and I also use it to create things like birthday invitations and the featured image on this post. I also love their blog which features great tutorials on photography and photo editing. : Jo’s blog is a great source for fashion ideas, recipes and all the little things in between. I read her blog on the regular and even subscribe to her newsletter which is a rare honor in my life of “get out of my inbox” sensibilities. Also her blog is kind of beautiful – like her formatting makes my heart happy. Is that weird? : This is my primary source for celebrity news and other odds and ends. One of the few places where I can find a roundup of natural sunscreens and Game of Thrones fan theories in the same place. Also they were founded by Zooey Deschanel, Molly McAleer, and Sophia Rossi “as a place on the Internet to inspire a smile.” : Several of the recipes I cook my family regularly (this might be my husband’s favorite meal) were found at Dude Mom but she isn’t really a food blogger. She’s a keeping it real mom of three boys who was once on What Not To Wear and shares fashion tips for real woman bodies and delivers the funny always.

downloadThe Lazy Genius : Kendra is basically my hero. She is all about not trying so hard and figuring out how to rock at life with minimal effort because our time is precious and we’re worth it. She writes about things like bullet journaling and meal planning and celebrity face mashing.

Modern Mrs. Darcy : Admittedly Anne blogs about books a lot, but I swear I read her blog for more than just books so it counts, right? And I can’t round up a list of my favorite websites without mentioning her because she’s literally one of my favorite bloggers, period. In addition to book recommendations, I love her posts about personality types, bullet journals and even just life in general. She’s my bloggy role model and perhaps my biggest book pusher. (Her daily kindle deals email is one of the first things I read each morning.) : Continues to be one of my favorite comic strips. I wanted to mention unshelved but that comic is definitely about books so it would be breaking the rules. XKCD is my other regular comic that I read and it’s all nerdy references and surprisingly intricate stick figure drawings. : This is where I get the majority of my geek news and board game recommendations. It’s also home of Will Wheaton’s table top video series. I link to posts from Geek and Sundry often here because, relevant.

giphyGiphy : Because if a picture is worth a thousand words, a gif is worth a thousand feels. This is my favorite source for finding fun gif images to liven up a blog post. : Lastly, the website that is home to all the websites – this is my feed reader of choice that keeps my lengthy list of favorite websites organized and easy to keep up with. They have a good mobile app and a friendly interface and they encourage bloggy friendships in a way that makes bloggers look like people and not just urls. I like that.

What are some of your favorite websites?

Weekly Geekly: 03.11.16

I’ve got a veritable stock pile of amazing things I’ve seen online that need to be shared with you so buckle your seat belts.

Did you see the new Ghostbusters trailer yet? I’m personally super excited but apparently a lot of people are upset particularly about Leslie Jones’s character in the movie. Probably the same people who were upset about the Starbucks cups. And while I understand their critique, I also think people just need something to hate on and Donald Trump must have been quiet that day.

Also: GeekMom shared a list of 5 movies that should get the Ghostbusters treatment. What would be on your list?

There’s a new kids RPG called Book Fair that is making the book nerd in me squeal with delight because I totally want to play. I mean I totally want my kids to play. Yeah. It does sound a little intricate to plan out but I think it would be awesome for a group activity for a classroom or summer camp or when your kids are bored and you’ve run out of Gilmore Girls episodes to marathon.

Do you think they should have just let Top Gear die with dignity or are you cautiously optimistic about BBC’s new cast / the original team’s new show on Amazon? I’m torn.

Ready to flex your word nerd muscles? There’s a great roundup at Real Simple of 11 weird words you’ve never known how to make plural (but probably have strong opinions about).

Geek and Sundry recently shared this infographic that will tell you what your beard says about your D&D Alignment. I’m pretty sure this makes my husband Chaotic Neutral which sounds about right.

Have you already seen Doctor Puppet? My son and I just watched all the episodes on You Tube and were kind of despondent when we realized we’d finished all the ones currently released. Watch it slower if you haven’t already. Speaking of The Doctor: What are your thoughts on these suggestions for the thirteen Doctor? We obviously need to start planning now while there are likely / hopefully years to decide.

Now that Downton Abbey is officially over ::sobs:: we can all attempt to recover from the pain by curating lists about the show like The Lazy Genius’s list of The Best Boyfriends of Downton. At first I was outraged that Matthew wasn’t number one – until I saw her pick for number one and was like – nope, you are definitely right. Never mind, carry on.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with this dramatic reading from Morgan Freeman:




Weekly Geekly: Valentines Edition! (02.12.16)

It’s Friday again and for many romantical mush balls that means that it’s Valentine’s Day Weekend. Whether you are all about the candy hearts or all about torching them on fire – I hope you have a fantastic weekend gorging yourself on the candy of your choice and celebrating your love for it not being Monday yet. Before you go…

12592431_1288026484547210_4739586046824308277_nStill looking for the perfect Valentine for your boo? These are perfect for anyone who cheers whenever Anna Kendrick busts a rhyme.

Or perhaps you need something more traditional – like a Valentine riddled with Star Wars puns.

Personally just watching the GOP debate entrances last week may be all the Valentine’s Day gift that I need. I’m just kidding – I need chocolate, too. But it is the gift that keeps on giving.

And since you forced me to get political (gosh, guys) here is a comprehensive list of all the terrible things Hillary Clinton has ever done. #28 may be unforgivable.

Oh gosh, I’ve gone and made you feel all election year angstified – luckily I’ve got some Harry Potter news that will give you something to look forward to this summer. Dust off your reading night lights.

Have a great weekend guys!

Weekly Geekly: 01.22.16


I think we geeks have had a rough go of it, losing a few too many legends lately. I’m trying to get my hands on a copy of Dogma to watch with my husband this weekend but it’s proving more complicated than I anticipated. While I figure that out…

I think this would be my kids’ favorite subject in school. And mine, too. Can I take this class?

This would be a very different television show. Related: now you can knit the damn scarf yourself. Properly.

When worlds collide adorably. One of the better Star Wars inspired things on the internet right now.

GeekMom says 2016 is going to be the year that Harry Potter returns. I’m not hating this. Speaking of Potter and the image above: Apparently ‘always’ was a weighty word for Professor Snape.

And now I think I’ll be a dear and leave you guys with something a little lighter:


Have a great weekend guys!